AV Community Cafe : 9th October 2024
from 1.30 - 3pm
We are pleased to invite all parents from Year 9 who are on the SEND register to our first Community Cafe of the year! Our first event is on Wednesday 9th October from 1:30-3pm in the Learning Resource Centre (LRC). Please meet at Reception. Refreshments will be provided, freshly baked and served by our Year 10 Preparation for Adulthood Group. The posters attached are also prepared by students. Staff from Learning Support will be available for an informal chat to see how your students have settled in to Arrow Vale. Please complete the attached MS Form to register your interest: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=UTeH7weIjkS2mO4DGypXkkJ_a1Fz5QNKgEjJd3OacElURDNMRTEzM1E1RzhDWUQ0VjdWUDFPSlU4NS4u
Thank you,
Laura Davis and Hannah Alabaster: SENDCo and Assistant SENDCo