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Attendance and Punctuality

 Attendance Policy and Local Appendices

It is widely accepted that excellent attendance to school correlates with excellent academic outcomes and also a sense of belonging. We aspire for all students to have attendance in excess of 97% so that lost learning time is minimised.


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Reporting Unplanned Absence

We politely request that you notify the school of the reason for the absence on the first day of an unplanned absence by 8:15am or as soon as practically possible by calling the school attendance office on 01527 526800. This must be process must be completed for every day that your child is absent from school.

We aim to send a text message to parents of any child who is absent from school and from whom we haven’t heard.

 Planned absence.

Attending a medical or dental appointment will be counted as authorised as long as the student’s parent/carer notifies the school in advance of the appointment.

To request a leave of absence parents / carers need to submit a written letter detailing the reason for the request and supply this to the students Head of Year or Year Team lead. However, we encourage parents/carers to make medical and dental appointments out of school hours where possible. Where this is not possible, the student should be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary.

The student’s parent/carer must also apply for other types of term-time absence as far in advance as possible of the requested absence. Go to section 5 of our Attendance policy to find out which term-time absences the school can authorise.

Following up unexplained absence

Where any student we expect to attend school does not attend, or stops attending, without reason, the school will:

  • Call the pupil’s parent/carer on the morning of the first day of unexplained absence to ascertain the reason. If the school cannot reach any of the pupil’s emergency contacts, the school may conduct a home visit. Best endeavours will be made to make contact by 10am or earlier. 
  • Identify whether the absence is approved or not.
  • Identify the correct attendance code to use and input it as soon as the reason for absence is ascertained – this will be no later than 5 working days after the session.
  • Call the parent/carer on each day that the absence continues without explanation to ensure proper safeguarding action is taken where necessary. If absence continues, the school will consider involving an education welfare officer.

Reporting to parents/carers

The school will regularly inform parents/carers about their child’s attendance and absence levels, this could include letters, Arbor messages, text message, phone calls or via home visits.

Promoting Excellent Punctuality

What should a student do when they are LATE FOR SCHOOL?

Is it before 9:00?

If the 8.35 bell has rung, the student should sign in with the member of staff on the student entrance or student reception before going to their form room. They should be ready to explain why they are late and have the number of minutes late recorded on Arbor. Unless a valid reason is provided the student should expect to receive a late detention.

What if it is an assembly day?

They must sign in as above then move to the theatre, were a member of staff will quietly guide them to a seat.

Is it after 9:05?

They must sign in at student reception then move purposefully to lesson.


What should a student do when they are LATE FOR A LESSON?

  • Is it Period 1?
  • Their teacher will challenge them to confirm they have signed in at reception (which will be evidenced on Arbor).

  • Every Period
  • Their teacher will challenge them on the reason for their lateness and will record that reason (and the number of minutes you are late) on Arbor. If they are concerned by the integrity of their reason they will receive a personal detention from their teacher.

Promoting Excellent Attendance

Arrow Vale High School is proudly recognised as an Inclusive Attendance School. Our unwavering commitment to attendance centres around child-centric actions, evidence-informed practices, and a shared understanding of everyone's roles and collective responsibilities to promote exceptional attendance.

Inclusive Attendance Professional Development Model*

Our attendance approach is fundamentally guided by the Inclusive Attendance professional development model. Comprising of six tailored Learning Modules, this model empowers us to deepen our understanding by facilitating continuous professional learning for all staff. Within this model, the four domains of practice ensure the provision of professional learning, professional development, evidence-based practices, and exemplary leadership and management to seamlessly integrate theory into practice.

Annual Inclusive Attendance 7-Month Development Programme

Year after year, we review and further enhance our attendance practices through dedicated participation in the Inclusive Attendance 7-month development programme. This investment allows us to remain at the forefront of educational change and extends unparalleled support to our children and their families, equipping them with access to the finest possible assistance.

Multi-Tiered System of Support

To guarantee a comprehensive approach to attendance, we implement a Multi-Tiered System of Support. A Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) for school attendance involves three tiers of intervention, with roles for teachers, the school, children, parents, carers, and external agencies – including the Local Authority.  Data-driven decision-making and training requirements are pivotal to the implementation of the system.  The system aligns with the Department for Education's (DFE) "Working Together to Improve School Attendance" guidelines. 

Tier 1 - Universal Approach: Establishing a baseline universal attendance approach that benefits all children.


Tier 2 - Individualised Strategies and Early Help Support: Tailoring strategies to individual needs and providing early help support for persistent attendance challenges.

Tier 3 - Higher Needs Strategies Support: Furnishing specialised support for children, young people, and families with complex attendance requirements, including access to external agency support when necessary.


A diagram of a tier 3

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Contact Us

Arrow Vale High School
Matchborough Way
B98 0GF

01527 526800