Enrichment Programme
At Arrow Vale, we put the Personal Development of our students at the heart of everything that we do. We are committed to ensuring that all students have the opportunity to be exposed to a wide range of experiences and enrichment activities. Our enrichment programme develops leadership skills and prepares pupils for the world beyond school. We enable pupils to develop a wide range of skills and knowledge so they can thrive in continuing education, the world of work and in society.
Our enrichment programme overview is adapted each term and all of our pupil are encouraged and supported to participate in a range of opportunities that build skills and provide valuable lessons for life.
See the Enrichment Programme Timetable below.
Other enrichment opportunities available to students throughout the year:
- International trips abroad
- UK Mathematics Trust challenges
- Upton Warren Aztec team building trips
- ‘Student Pioneering’ team building days
- Science Live trips
- Visits to national museums and galleries
- Geography and History field trips
- Trips to universities and workplaces
- Workshops with visitors and guest
- Duke of Edinburgh
- Language masterclasses
- Live cooking chef experiences
- Young Enterprise Trade Fair visit in Worcester
- …..and many more!
Below are an example of some of the roles pupils can take up to continue their personal development:
- Student Council Committee member
- Student Leadership
- Sports Leader
- Subject mentor
- …..and many more!
The CRST enrichment guarantee
Central Region Schools Trust (CRST) offer an extensive range of Trust wide enrichment activities to enhance learning in each of our schools. They aim for immersive external experiences and excellence in their enrichment programmes.
Charity Work
In the wider community, Arrow Vale pupils, including our Arrow Vale Sixth Form are renowned for their generosity and civic duty. The charitable deeds of our pupils in both lower school and the Sixth Form, led by our Charity Committee demonstrates our pupil and student values of the selfless and generous attitude of which our pupils and students pride themselves. Below are an example of some of the charitable causes our students work to support:
- United Nation’s free rice initiative
- Redditch Foodbank
- Age Concern UK
- Birmingham Childrens’ Hospital
- Children in Need
- Red Nose Day for Comic Relief
- …..and many more!